Your First Project

How to start your first project

Lisp-Stat includes a project template that you can use as a guide for your own projects.

Use the template

To get started, go to the project template

  1. Click Use this template
  2. Select a name for your new project and click Create repository from template
  3. Make your own local working copy of your new repo using git clone, replacing with your repo’s URL: git clone --depth 1
  4. You can now edit your own versions of the project’s source files.

This will clone the project template into your own github repository so you can begin adding your own files to it.

Directory Structure

By convention, we use a directory structure that looks like this:

├── project
|   ├── data
|   |   ├── foo.csv
|   |   ├── bar.json
|   |   └── baz.tsv
|   └── src
|   |   ├── load.lisp
|   |   └── analyse.lisp
|   |   └── baz.tsv
|   └── tests
|   |   ├── test.lisp
|   └── doc
|   |   ├── project.html


Often your project will have sample data used for examples illustrating how to use the system. Such example data goes here, as would static data files that your system includes, for example post codes (zip codes). For some projects, we keep the project data here too. If the data is obtained over the network or a data base, login credentials and code related to that is kept here. Basically, anything neccessary to obtain the data should be kept in this directory.


The lisp source code for loading, cleaning and analysing your data. If you are using the template for a Lisp-Stat add-on package, the source code for the functionality goes here.


Tests for your code. We recommend either CL-UNIT2 or PARACHUTE for test frameworks.


Generated documentation goes here. This could be both API documentation and user guides and manuals. If an index.html file appears here, github will automatically display it’s contents at, if you have configured the repository to display documentation that way.

Load your project

If you’ve cloned the project template into your local Common Lisp directory, ~/common-lisp/, then you can load it with (ql:quickload :project). Lisp will download and compile the neccessary dependencies and your project will be loaded. The first thing you’ll want to do is to configure your project.

Configure your project

First, change the directory and repository name to suit your environment and make sure git remotes are working properly. Save yourself some time and get git working before configuring the project further.


The project.asd file is the Common Lisp system definition file. Rename this to be the same as your project directory and edit its contents to reflect the state of your project. To start with, don’t change any of the file names; just edit the meta data. As you add or rename source code files in the project you’ll update the file names here so Common Lisp will know that to compile. This file is analgous to a makefile in C – it tells lisp how to build your project.


If you need project-wide initialisation settings, you can do this in the file src/init.lisp. The template sets up a logical path name for the project:

(defun setup-project-translations ()
  (setf (logical-pathname-translations "PROJECT")
	`(("DATA;**;*.*.*"    ,(merge-pathnames "data/**/*.*" (asdf:system-source-directory 'project))))))


To use it, you’ll modify the directories and project name for your project, and then call (setup-project-translations) in one of your lisp initialisation files (either ls-init.lisp or .sbclrc). By default, the project data directory will be set to a subdirectory below the main project directory, and you can access files there with PROJECT:DATA;mtcars.csv for example. When you configure your logical pathnames, you’ll replace “PROJECT” with your projects name.

We use logical style pathnames throughout the Lisp-Stat documentation, even if a code level translation isn’t in place.

Basic workflow

The project templates illustrates the basic steps for a simple analysis.

Load data

The first step is to load data. The PROJECT:SRC;load file shows creating three data frames, from three different sources: CSV, TSV and JSON. Use this as a template for loading your own data.

Cleanse data

load.lisp also shows some simple cleansing, adding labels, types and attributes, and transforming (recoding) a variable. You can follow these examples for your own data sets, with the goal of creating a data frame from your data.


PROJECT:SRC;analyse shows taking the mean and standard deviation of the mpg variable of the loaded data set. Your own analysis will, of course, be different. The examples here are meant to indicate the purpose. You may have one or more files for your analysis, including supporting functions, joining data sets, etc.


Plotting can be useful at any stage of the process. It’s inclusion as the third step isn’t intended to imply a particular importance or order. The file PROJECT:SRC;plot shows how to plot the information in the disasters data frame.


Finally, you’ll want to save your data frame after you’ve got it where you want it to be. You can save project in a ’native’ format, a lisp file, that will preserve all your meta data and is editable, or a CSV file. You should only use a CSV file if you need to use the data in another system. PROJECT:SRC;save shows how to save your work.

Last modified 06 August 2022: Document project template (aaa8ad1)